Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Goal of Christian Conversion

The goal of sharing the good news about Jesus and inviting people to embrace in exchange for their belief is to transform that person. This transformation is explained by using different terminologies which include born again , new man , new life , new man , resurrected life , eternal life , zoe etc. But the best word to describe this transformation , conversion is to use the term  "Christlike" . The goal of Christian conversion is  to make man "Christlike".

It starts with
1. Repentance and Faith - To believe is to repent and to repent is the first expression of belief.They both are interwoven.To believe is to trust that Christ died as a substitute for one's sins and came back to life on the third day. To confess is to confess publically that one is now a follower of Christ.
2. Discipleship - The repenting person who expressed faith in Christ as his saviour and Lord is the disciple of Christ.
The invitation to accept Christ is a call to become a disciple or follower of Christ. The goal of discipleship is to transform the disciple and make him "Christlike" in character , attitude , motive and action without destroying his individuality. 
3. A disciple is a Child of God , has a new identity , new nature as a person who has a relationship with God and a new purpose and destiny  to reach and fulfill.

The more Christlike a person is the more free he is to be  good  , do good and spread the goodness which results from being Christlike.

Becoming Christlike is akin to returning to innocence , returning to purity in attitude , values , motive and action .

To be Christlike is to love and live like Christ and interpret holiness not legalistically just as a set of do and don't but as being and living like Christ with pure motive and pure love.

"Men need a goal for character and Jesus is the goal" - Dr. E.Stanley Jones

The goal of conversion is to invite men into a relationship with God through Christ with the goal of that person becoming Christlike in and through a process of transformation and spiritual formation. The spiritual formation is the transformation of the person into the image of Christ.It is the process of being delivered from the power of sin and becoming more Christlike.

The plan of God to fix the world is make more and more Christlike souls who will continue his good work and live a life of sacrifice and love.

It is in and through this creation of christlike inviduals , Christ is preached without uttering a single word and God is glorified.

The goal of conversion is to glorify God by transforming sinful souls into the image  of Christ .

Jesus is the God expressing and revealing himself as a human being. This universe is a Christ centered one. "Everything was created by him and for him ."Colossians 1. When anyone aligns with this great axiom of life , when anyone repents ,turns and starts living for Christ , he is aligning with the purpose for which the universe was created . He is instantly given the Holy Spirit and is filled with peace and joy which he has never experienced before. This common after conversion experience roots the new believer in Christ and confirms to him , through the inner witness of the Holy Spirit that he is indeed God's Child who has the backing of the almighty God in his pursuit to live for and according to Christ.
The aim of Christian conversion is to call one to alignment with the purpose of the universe.The call goes to all. No one is exempt. When that alignment occurs in a single life , heaven celebrates , angels party. That's how precious we are to God. That's why Christ is the good news.

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