Thursday, March 31, 2016

Darren Sammy Testimony

How big a role does religion play in your life and in your cricket? I heard you wanted to become a priest?
I wanted to be a pastor. One of my favourite lines is, "The almighty never gives you more than you can bear." So I see it as: whatever comes my way I can face it.
Do you read the bible every day or pray regularly?
I have so many people praying for me. The more prayers go up, the more blessings come down. I have so many people praying for me.
Who do you pray for?
Yes, I pray for my team-mates. I pray for us to go out there and put in a good performance. I pray for guidance, leadership, I pray for me to make the right decisions and I pray for me to go out there and perform. I ask God for a lot of things. We are a praying team. We pray every session and before every session. At the start of every day, first thing before the warm-up. Everyone. Together.
Do you only pray, or even preach?
I used to preach when I was a little boy. Preach around the neighbourhood and the community. But I guess God had a better plan for me. I wouldn't say better plan, but cricket came in and I could still minister in a different way. There is life after cricket. When I am home, I make sure I go to church.
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