Thursday, May 29, 2014

God is Colorblind

God is colorblind with respect to skin color. He does not view people with different skin color differently. The reasons for my conclusions are entirely biblical and are as follows :
1. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,
Acts 17
In this passage, Paul claims that everyone came from one man. Whatever your skin's melanin concentration may be , that does not make you different in God's sight. That does not affect your stand before God.
God knows the reason you are dark or bright has to do with the temperature of the area. If you were born among people who lived in tropics or sunny areas, you will have more melanin to cope with it. If you were born among people in a cold area , then you did not need melanin. So you are "white". So the all wise God is colorblind. He knows exactly why you have a particular color; he is neither impressed nor turned down by it.

2. "Let us make man in our image; after our likeness" genesis 1
We humans are made in God's image. That is how God sees us, as his image bearers. Everyman despite his skin color is an image bearer of God. That gives dignity and worth and differentiates us from animals, who do not bear God's image. Our identity according to God is intrinsically linked with being his image bearers and not our skin color or culture or caste or country.

Therefore , God is colorblind and we who are called to be his people, who have failed to reflect his colorblindness, as evidenced in history have a huge responsibility in this global culture to reflect his likeness through our colorblindness .

Let us learn to look at people as image bearers of God and nothing else.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Blessing Specifically

Over the past three months I have watched two or three movies in the series, 36 Chambers of Shaolin. One of the oft repeated phrase in the movie is this: " Budda bless u" .
We normally say " God bless u". But we should say, "Jesus bless u" for that is the truth and that is what we believe. Jesus himself is the blessing and in him we have everything we need . We are quenched and satisfied.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Learning Christian Eschatology

       Christian Eschatology is commonly understood as things pertaining to the end times. Things like end of human history as seen now, the resurrection of the living and the dead, the judgement of the world by Christ.

       The New Testament is very focused and grounded in eschatology. Christian Eschatology is related to Christ, How God knows the end from the beginning, how he promised and fulfilled his promise in Christ form the ground for how he will fulfill his promised reserved for the end times.

       According to Jurgenn Multmann, "Eschatology is the passionate suffering and passionate longing kindled by the Messiah. Hence eschatology cannot really be only a part of Christian doctrine. Rather, the eschatological outlook is characteristic of all Christian proclamation, of every Christian existence and of the whole Church." (The Theology of Hope. New York: Harper, 1967.)