Friday, May 17, 2013

Practical Theology: Ego-symptoms

Ego symptoms are the symptoms which reveal the underlying problem of pride. As bodily symptoms help diagnose physical illness, ego-symptoms help diagnose the spiritual pathology of pride.
These ego-symptoms will reveal how much we are bound to pride and are enslaved by pride.

These are few of the ego-symptoms
1. Taking about self unnecessarily to promote self or insult others
2. Looking down on others for various reasons
3. Judgemental attitude and actions
4. Self righteousness
5. Considering self better  than everybody else
6. Unwilling to associate with people  of lower socioeconomic status, different race, other religions, lower/higher caste, lesser education,
7. Comparing oneself with others
8. Higher notion of oneself based on national identity, cultural identity, religious identity, caste identity, tribal affiliation, geographical location, ethical code, moral behaviour, skills, talents, education, educational instituition, occupation
9. Setting own rules to live life as opposed to accepting God and his law.
10. Despising Authority
11. Unteachable, "I know everything attitude"
12. Unable to accept correction
13. Unable to accept mistakes even when proved or true
14. "I did it my way" attitude
15. "I want it my way" attitude
16.  Thinking oneself as important than others
17. Invincible attitude
18. Haughty eyes, that "Proud look"
19. Throwing weight(authority) around excessively or unnecessarily
20. Unable to accept rejection, "How can they say no to "ME"?
21. Easily provoked
22. Argumentative
23. Unable to adjust with others and work in a team
24. Falsely accusing others to save face
25. Inability to handle failure rightly
26. Divisive, factious

These are some of  the ego-symptoms which bring out the pride in the heart.
Pride makes a person devilish, whereas humility makes a man Christlike.
Jesus wants to deliver us from pride by making us Christlike, i.e humble. The Holy Spirit is working to transform us and we should submit to the teachings of Christ and develop the attitude of Christ.
   If pride not be conquered it will place us in a position of perpetual spiritual defeat. So it become imperative that we seek God's face to make us more humble, more Christlike, more spiritual and constantly victorious spiritually.

Romans 8
12 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. 13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

Let us remember our obligation and let us learn to put to death the deeds of the flesh with the help of the Holy Spirit. Unless we learn this and make it a part of us, we can never be spiritually victorious, successful or fruitful.

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